Metal Torrent » Ожидаемые новинки » Eternal Sacrifice - Inclinavit Se Ante Altare Diabolvs Est Scriptor... Regere Sinister (2022)

4-09-2022, 08:26

Eternal Sacrifice: «Inclinavit Se Ante Altare Diabolvs Est Scriptor... Regere Sinister» (2022) торрент скачать

Скачать «Inclinavit Se Ante Altare Diabolvs Est Scriptor... Regere Sinister» — через торрент-файл полноформатный альбом записанный бразильской Epic Black Metal-группой Eternal Sacrifice. Диск вышел 30 октября 2022 года на лейбле Black Hearts Records.
Eternal Sacrifice - Inclinavit Se Ante Altare Diabolvs Est Scriptor... Regere Sinister (2022)

3/2 (голосов)

    Tracklist / Список треков:
    Disc 1
    1. I - Opening
    2. II - The Pact (Hermetic Circle of the Black Moon and the Golden Age)
    3. III - The Stela (The Immaculate Skin of a Scarlet Queen, Isis)
    4. IV - Death (A Reliquary, a Cameo, a Drop of Blood and a Bottle of Ambar!)
    5. V - The Invocation (On the Mystical Stones a Perfect Night in the Darkness)
    6. VI - Sacrifice (The Dagger, the Table and the Blood of the Lightborn Dripping on the Ivory)
    7. VII - The Mass (The Black Consecration of the Five Glories Cult)
    Disc 2
    1. VIII - The Orgy (Copulation in the Temple of the Great Black Goat That Completes a Cycle of Existence)
    2. IX - Regere Sinister (Instrvmentvm Mortis... Sangvinem, Ferro, Candelabrvm, lvcernas, Altare)l instrumental
    3. X - The Altar (The Blood of the Mortal, the Idol in Its Triumphal Splendor and the Shroud)
    4. XI - The Athame (Only Those Who Watch in Delirium, Found the Way He Walks)
    5. XII - The Astral Sun's Light (The Revelation of the One Who Carries the Incandescent Beam of Light)
    6. XIII - The Consecration (To the Dead in the Darkness, to the Blind, to the Blindfold and to the Virgin His Own Vaginal Blood)
    7. XIV - Reqviem (Naberivs' Area)

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